And another....

Of course... another movie come over...
watch this.. i've got a very important date with it! Another film from Tim Burton.

Sape xknal Tim Burton?? anyone?? Yeah, his is an American of course. He is a director, producer, writer and artist. Bnyak jugak la filem die buat mcm Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman, Sweeny Tood, Nightmare Before Chrismast. Filem die yg 1st aku tgk was Edward the Scissorhands. Wife die Helena Bonham Carter, pelakon jugak. She played as Bellatrix Lastrange in Harry Potter film series.

Senang citer mamat ni suka buat filem yg pelik2 la.. yg bnyak pkai CGI, ade weird creatures.. So tak rugi kalau tgk filem die buat..

p/s: filem again....

nik khazami nik aziz

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