

I'm officially in Kelantan. I just came back from KL, just a few hours ago. So my body is paying the price for it.

Hows the trip? Ok, the thing that I will light up is, so boorrrriinng!!!

It was my cousin's wedding actually. But, I don't know lah. It seems like the worst trip ever! I meant it.
Oh yes, we were intended to watch Akademi Fantasia's concert last Sat, but there is no more tickets left. Nevermind.

So the photos, NONE. Tak nak ambik gambar. Malas. Tahap ULTRAMALAS. Orang lain pulak sibuk suruh aku ambik gambar untuk dia. Aku sendiri nak ambik gambar pun malas, APATAH LAGI untuk ko!

Badan sakit giler macam kena pijak dengan gajah.. So, I just need my cozy blanket and air conditioner right now.. ZZzzzzzzzzzz..............

nik khazami nik aziz

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